Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker

Keynote Speaker:

A good keynote speaker is very much a secular to enthrall an audience of 50 to 5,000.  Joe has traveled coast to coast, addressing more than 150 different audiences, ranging from star wars engineers to Subway franchisees.  If you need a speech addressing what makes people tick, and what you can do about it, give Joe a call.

Seminar Leader

Seminar Leader

Seminar Leader:

A good seminar leader teaches --- like a college professor ---  managing the give and take between himself and an audience of 15 to 50.  It doesn't matter whether it's executive education, employee training or just a refresher class on corporate culture and values - it all boils down to getting people from point A to B.  With more than 1,800 full days of educating folks under his belt, chances are pretty good that Joe can fill the bill.




A good facilitator is like a group counselor.  He offers just enough content to frame the issue and then stimulates and directs the interactions among an audience from 6 to 36.  Joe has facilitated more than 500 full days worth of sessions with CEOs, business owners and upper management for anything from start up entrepreneurs to Fortune 500 firms.  If you need a safe harbor kind of guy to direct the flow of traffic, get to know Joe




An emcee is not the show.  He simply makes sure your "show" (banquet, roast, etc.) runs smoothly.  It's amazing what a well-timed word, smile or bit of body language does for your entire evening.  Joe does this by bringing historical tidbits into the program - regarding relevant technology, industry history and specific personalities.  The kind of things that cause folks to say 'Huh, I never knew that."